The Major cause of problems in our society today is clinging to attachments. Humans are so much in love with material wealth in determinant of their spiritual growth. Clinging to anger, fear, and greed is an essential part of human beings; most humans are addicted to material attachment which is the sole reason for the evil and corrupt practices going on the world. Materialism promotes many other negative feelings as well like lust, selfishness, jealousy, sense of hopelessness, etc. which a major part of human attachment. People are forgetting their moral values and often fail to understand the distinction between right choices and the wrong ones.
Life itself can help you learn to release attachments and stop clinging. For example, when anger takes control of your mind, take the time to identify it, consider why you are angry, become aware of how much control it has over you, and simply let it go. Doing so can be extremely hard, and especially so when the anger is great, but firmly taking control and releasing your hold on the emotion is necessary if your goal is to free yourself.  The only thing that matters is good quality life and false comforts. They think that everything around them is dictated by need of humans and is being provided by the environment. All their beliefs are based on scientific inference only. The worst of all they have lost faith in God as they refuse to believe in anything that we cannot see or hear or touch. As a result, they remain unrepentant after committing sin. Thus materialism has adversely affected the entire framework of our society
     We can still mend our ways and move towards a beautiful world. For this, we have to look for a purpose in our life. Each individual has to make some changes in his outlook. We have to separate ourselves from material world. This will make us happy both with or without the material things that we desire. It will make us feel that "if I get that thing it's good but if I do not get that it's fine with me". It's not very easy for us to get this kind of mental set up but it is not an impossible task too. The rough phase of economy has given us some valuable lessons. That, all the tangible things of the world that we acquire may go some day but still we have the strength within us to survive in tough condition.


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