
Showing posts from May 27, 2012


        National security in Nigeria is the issue of political morality, which focuses on the question of defining the relationship between the state and the various groups in the society. Political morality properly construed seeks to establish and sustain the essential conditions for the smooth functioning of the state and society.  Nigeria is a country that has huge potentials. Unfortunately, almost 50 years after gaining independence from Britain, years of misrule by both Military and elected governments have ensured that the majority of the citizens remain poor, and lack even the most basic infrastructure. Nigeria has a population of 140 million people. 85 per cent of who live in poverty. There are no jobs. Young people who manage to go to school come out and search endlessly for jobs. The country should be rich by any standards. Government after governments have raped the country looted the treasury and left the people worse off. Oil acco...