L ies why do people lie? Why do people want to be free? When you lie have you sinned? Are all lies harmful? We all are liers whether we like it or not at a point in time we all want to be free from some certain things and as such we lie to achieve such freedom. As long as we leave in the mist of people we cannot do without lying except we leave an enclosed live or a life of solitude. From observations I found out that lying is one of the commonest sin being committed by mankind in a day. Most people lies for so many reasons some lie to free others lie in other to make an excuse, while some lie for the love of it, individuals, organisation, countries, societies. Governments are members of the house of lying. Some people. The world we live in is a full of lies and as such we are comfortable with it .we wear it, sleep it .speak it, drink it and we love it ,people are so much addicted to it that they can tell the difference between lies and truth. When the truth is bein...